Collection: Embassy Cigarette Cards


  • Embassy cigarettes were produced by Imperial Tobacco, a British tobacco company with a long history dating back to the 19th century.
  • The Embassy brand was introduced as a popular line of cigarettes, catering to a broad range of consumers.

Introduction of Cigarette Cards:

  • As part of their marketing strategy, Imperial Tobacco began including collectible cards in their Embassy cigarette packets.
  • These cards served as promotional items, designed to incentivize consumers to purchase Embassy cigarettes and enhance brand loyalty.

Distinctive Themes and Series:

  • Embassy cigarette cards covered a diverse array of themes, reflecting the interests and tastes of their target audience.
  • Some series may have focused on topics such as sports, nature, transportation, historical events, and popular culture.

Artistic Design and Quality:

  • Embassy cigarette cards were typically well-designed and of high quality, featuring colorful artwork and informative text.
  • The cards were intended to be visually appealing and educational, providing consumers with interesting content to enjoy while smoking their cigarettes.